In the cutthroat world of business and commerce out there, everyone’s vying to save and make as much money as possible. When it comes to cutting overhead costs, though, there’s not a lot of room to cut and save without sacrificing efficiency. However solar panels are an easy way to cut back on energy costs and it’s more accessible than ever! Solar power is on the rise to lower your overhead. 

Solar Power for Your Business

Sol-Up ensures that getting solar power to your business is as easy as possible. With both our buying options, we’ll be able to work with you to get everything set up and operational quickly. What does this mean for your business, though? It’s simple – right off the bat we offer an instant reduction in your energy bill per month  The initial investment isn’t insignificant, but the money you’re going to be saving on top of federal and state tax credits will ensure it all pays for itself over the course of 3-8 years. Past that point, all ROI goes directly back into your pocket. We can help you find and secure these programs for your company, and all the information is available on our website!


Solar panels are an investment that comes with virtually zero risk, as well. Our panels are warrantied for 25 years, and the costs will remain stable. Solar power incurs next to no cost in the first place, as there are no operational costs or fuel prices to pay. PV cells are durable, simple, and effective without you or your company ever needing to lift a finger.


Our technologies are also able to give you peace of mind and security in your investment. The solar panels come with hardwired technology to be able to respond to a problem in the system immediately, shutting off the entire array until the situation is resolved. That, and you can monitor, track, and control your array via mobile app. Managing your solar power has never been this easy, guaranteed.

Visit our commercial solar installation page to learn about our benefits and offers in detail, and contact us today to see how we can work with your company today!

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