Sol-Up employees along with the entire solar industry were ecstatic this past Wednesday after the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) voted to keep existing net metering rates the same through the end of 2015. Many solar panel companies were frightened of the fact that the vote might go awry and impose higher rates for solar companies, some of which admitted to possible employee layoffs if the PUC were to have increased net metering rates. Solar power companies can release a sigh of relief for now.
“I’m very, very happy today” Frank Rieger, the Sol-Up CEO, said after hearing the voting results. “I think it’s a big day for Nevada. It’s a big day for the people of Nevada.”
Unanimously, the PUC voted to keep solar customers on existing net metering rates through the end of 2015, even though energy giant, Nevada Energy, a Berkshire Hathaway company, wanted to impose tariffs that many believed would obliterate the solar energy as it stands now.
“That’s a big defeat of NV Energy and something they probably haven’t been used to,” Rieger stated.
Rieger had initially believed he would have to lay off most of his 14 installers contingent on the outcome of the PUC. Luckily, he doesn’t. Thousands of jobs related to solar energy were said to have been in jeopardy if the PUC would have voted to increase net metering rates.
Obviously, all of us at Sol-Up, Nevada’s premier solar panel resource company, are happy and excited about this latest news. It means that we can continue providing solar power to you at unbeatable rates and without the fear of any service interruptions. Sol-Up values its customers and couldn’t be happier that we can continue to provide you the service that you expect and deserve. Contact us today for a quote, consultation, and more.