The use of solar to provide people with electricity extends beyond traditional panels. As the industry advances and evolves, more developments and methods are being created to harness the powers of the sun’s rays. Companies such as Tesla are working to create efficient battery systems that would allow people to store excess energy created from their solar panels to be used at night. Recently, the French government has approved plans to pave over 600 miles of existing roadways with solar panels over the next five years. This will produce enough energy to supply power to millions of people in France.
France’s minister of ecology and energy, Ségolène Royal, announced a new effort, if successful, that could provide electricity for about eight percent of the French population. A new method of coating photovoltaic cells with resins and polymers that are translucent enough to allow sunlight to pass through will allow solar arrays the durability to withstand traffic.
The project was introduced in October and according to France’s Agency of Environment and Energy Management, 14 feet of the solarized road will be enough to supply electricity for one household, excluding heat. One Kilometer (0.62 miles) would supply enough energy to 5,000 residents.
The panels have been tested and are said to be rainproof and can withstand even the forces of a snowplow. These new solar roads will be able to last as long as conventionally paved roads, depending on the amount of traffic, and the panels can last up to 20 years.
This is not the first time solar panels have been paved into roadways. The world’s first solar road was developed in the Netherlands and has been operational since November 2014. It has already generated more electricity than expected.
Rooftop solar panels are still the primary source of solar electricity in the world. Here in Las Vegas, the sun is shining over 85 percent of the year, making this the perfect place to harness the sun’s rays. Contact Sol-Up to get a free energy quote and start utilizing solar power today.