FAQ's - Sol-Up Solar



Are you licensed and insured?

We are licensed, bonded, and insured with Clark County and the Clark County Contractors board.

How long have you been in business?

We have been in business for 13 years. We are the oldest solar company and largest installer in Las Vegas.

Are the installers your own employees?

Everyone who does work on your home is a Sol Up employee. Electricians, Installers and inspectors. Every aspect of the solar installation is from a Sol Up Employee. The only outsourced company we use is for roof work that is needed.

Who handles the HOA application? City permits?

HOA approvals and Permits are handled and submitted by our Project Coordinators.

Will someone from your team be present when city or other inspectors come to Inspect?

Our technicians will only need to meet the inspectors on site for all Powerwall inspections, City of Las Vegas inspections and North Las Vegas inspections.

Who does the paperwork for utility interconnection and permits?

The paperwork submitted to NV Energy and the interconnection is handled in house by a Sol- Up employee


Can you do a drone inspection on the roof and provide us with the result prior to us signing?

An on-site survey of the home is conducted before we do any work, or any agreements are signed to determine if any additional work is needed. The roof is inspected and your main service panel is examined to determine if we can safely install the breakers in your home needed for solar.

If you are using Panasonic for panels, didn’t they get out of that part of business? How does that affect the warranty?

We use Meyer Burger and Panasonic Panels. Panasonic is not exiting the solar game. They are moving to an outsourced company to produce the panels. Same product specs as they currently have. We are a pinnacle partner with Meyer Burger, they are the company that makes the systems Panasonic uses for their production of their solar panels. They are now making solar panels and we have started to offer those panels as well. Same warranty and same specs as the Panasonic panels.

So, I will never have a power bill?

You will always have a bill to at least pay the basic service fee with your utility. Sol-Up promises system production, not utility bill coverage.

What system should be used to cover brownouts also?

In Las Vegas, we don’t usually experience Brownouts or Blackouts like other areas of the country. On the occasion we do, most power outages last less than 4 to 6 hours. If that is a concern for you then we offer the Tesla Powerwall or SolarEdge battery that can be installed in addition to your solar system.

Do you confirm that our roof is structurally sound to hold panels?

Yes. We conduct a site survey to determine if the roof can accept solar and is structurally sound.

How long does it take to install a system?

Depending on the size of the system, the install length is typically 1 to 2 days. We are on-site 22.

Is there a warranty on the panels?

The entire system is a 25-year warranty for both products and labor. Panels, Production, Roof Penetrations and Inverter

Will there be pigeon guards when installing the panels?

Yes, a pigeon guard is included in all our projects, except in Reno.

What other warranties are there on the different parts of the system?

Everything is covered for 25 years

How long will the solar panels work?

The life of the solar system can last 30 to 40 years.

How long will the solar panels work?

The life of the solar system can last 30 to 40 years.

Who is responsible for repairing the roof if it’s damaged during installation?

We take care of any issues that happen during installation. Broken tiles, damaged areas. We are responsible for everything while we are installing on your property. Our insurance covers you as a homeowner for zero liability while we are onsite.

What happens if we need work on our roof? Who is responsible for replacing the solar panel system then?

Our site survey team will determine if roof work is needed before we install. If you do need roof work done, we will have our roof contractor complete a quote for your review before we complete any work. The roof work that is done in order to install solar can be added for your deduction of the 30% tax incentive. This is added to the entire project cost and 30% is taken from the entire project cost.

Who do we call if there is a problem?

You would contact our in-house service department to report a service issue. Being local we usually have problems solved within 48 hours. Please fill out our claim form available here:
Claim form

Does your system include panel-level monitoring? Does it cost anything extra? How do we access it?

We do offer monitoring, that you have access to. When we come out to activate your system, we will install the solar edge application on your phone, and you will have complete access to the production of your system.

Will the system meet local building and fire codes?

We adhere to all building, safety and fire codes for our installation.

Should our panels be interconnected to the grid? Can we get power during a Blackout?

You will be connected to the grid. NV Energy will not allow homes to be “off the grid” in Nevada. During a power outage all solar systems will be shut down to avoid any electricity going back to the grid.

Can we add more panels/modules later?

Yes, panels and modules can be added on at a later time.

Will the panel performance degrade over time?

The panels do have a degradation over time. Our production guarantee will keep your panels within a degradation of .5 annually. After 25 years you’ll still receive 92% of the power from day one. Highest in the industry.

If there is a bad panel over time, who will spend for labor and material during warranty years?

If your panels go out at any time in the 25-year warranty period, we will go out and replace the panels and labor involved.


What financing options do you offer and how do they differ? Are associated fees included in the price of the system or extra?

We offer very flexible financing for all customers. In your quote you’ll see the financing options that we offer, and fees associated with them.

Can we bring our own financing if we decide to get it financed?

You can explore your own financing. If you choose to use your own financing, your cash price is the amount due for the project.

Will you give us a firm quote or is it an estimate prior to signing a contract?

Before you sign the agreement, you will have all the pricing and work that needs to be done given to you. We want you to have all the information before you sign your agreement.

How are contract changes addressed? Do we have the right to cancel? Terms?

Any contract changes are done before you sign. You have a three-day cancellation period after you sign.

How long will it be between the time we sign the contract until installation?

From contract signing to installation typically takes 4 to 6 weeks. That can vary depending on your HOA, permitting and material requirements.

Do we still get a bill from Nevada Electric?

Your system will be sized depending on your roof area to take care of your usage. You will still have a connection fee from NV Energy to be connected to the grid. That will not be taken care of by Net Energy Metering.

Are there ongoing costs other than the monthly bill we have to pay (like maintenance costs)?

You should not have any additional cost associated with the project. Maintenance should not be needed throughout the life of your system. But we will cover it anytime it’s down.

Do we get the Federal Tax credit if we do not live in the property as it is a rental currently?

You should receive the tax incentive as it’s your home. But you’ll have to talk with your tax advisor to determine your eligibility.

What rebates are available and incentives come to us? Federal? State? Other?

​​There is a 30% federal tax incentive. You will need to consult your tax advisor if you qualify.

Does the state of Nevada have property tax increase exemption for Solar Installation? Meaning that taxes will not increase. What does this mean for our homeowner’s insurance?

The property value should not be changed because of solar. That is usually just based on the home equity and home value.

How much money is due upfront? When are other payments due?

For cash deals, we take a $1,000 deposit on agreement signing. Balance of 95% on installation and then the remainder on activation.


If bought, who maintains the system?

You will maintain the system, but we will take care of it if anything goes wrong. Maintenance should not be needed.

If bought, who is responsible for repairing the roof if it’s damaged during installation?

We will fix any issues that happen during installation.

Who is responsible for fixing any damage to our home if it is caused during installation? Or a penetration in the roof that results in a water leak?

We cover any roof penetrations for 25 years. Any leaks or damage that is caused by those roof penetrations is covered by Sol Up.

Do you proactively monitor our system’s performance after installation and notify us if there are issues?

Yes, but we highly encourage homeowners to keep an eye on system performance. You will be sent an email from the manufacturer directly if there are any system issues.

Can Solar Edge Inverters be painted?

Unfortunately painting the inverter is not recommended, and is a violation of the warranty terms.


What happens if we move? Or sell?

If you move or sell the home, if you finance you can pay off the remainder of the loan. Or the new homeowner can apply for a new loan to assume the balance. If you pay cash, then you can get your money back or most of it by increasing the selling price because the new homeowner will not have a NV Energy bill.

What happens if you go out of business?

If we go out of business, then the manufacturer will be able to assist with Panels or inverters. Although we have a 25-roof penetration warranty we have not had any issues with the roof penetrations leaking. The company we use has had over 15 million roof penetrations and never had a leak.

What is the process for future roof replacement? Cost for removing and replacing Panels?

We can remove the panels if you need roof work in the future. The cost is between $250 and $500 per panel.

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